
Adding Value to Your CPSU Membership - Group Personal Accident and Illness Insurance

To add value to your membership at a time of high cost of living the CPSU has purchased Group Personal Accident and Illness Insurance for all members.

We asked our insurance broker to arrange a policy that provides our members with cover for Death and Permanent Injury. As well as this they were able to secure from AIG a range of additional benefits to assist our members.

To see the full list of the benefits available please refer to the Policy Schedule Listing, noting that these are subject to the terms and conditions shown in the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.

Who does the policy cover?

To be eligible to make a claim against this insurance you need to have been a member for at least 12 weeks* and your subscription payments must be up to date.

When does the policy commence?

The policy commenced from 1 January 2024. Eligible members who believe they have a claim from that date can make a claim.

The CPSU Can’t Provide Advice

Insurance can be very complex as it comes with a range of inclusions and exclusions and detailed definitions. This means the CPSU needs to be very careful about giving even general advice about what is and isn’t covered.

This insurance has been provided through a broker and that is the person members need to go to if they have questions or if they would like to make a claim. If you make a claim, the CPSU will confirm with the broker that you are an eligible member, but we have no influence over any decisions made in relation to any claim.

How do I know what cover I have?

The cover you have under the Group Personal Accident and Illness Insurance is determined by the Policy Schedule Listing which is to be read in conjunction with the Policy Disclosure Statement along with Privacy Notice.

The Policy Schedule Listing can be accessed here.

The Policy Disclosure Statement can be accessed here.

The Privacy Notice can be accessed here.

How do I make a claim?

To make a claim against this policy you need to contact Chris Lewis at Steadfast Taswide Insurance Brokers. Chris can be contacted by email at clewis@stib.com.au or by phone at 03 6231 3360.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions about the policy, you need to contact Chris Lewis at Steadfast Taswide Insurance Brokers. Chris can be contacted by email at clewis@stib.com.au or by phone at 03 6231 3360.

*Under circumstances determined by the CPSU Council the 12-week waiting period can be waived.