
Want additional hours?

A secure job?

Public sector workers deserve certainty that they will be paid for any roles undertaken when called into action or asked to go above and beyond for Tasmanians.

Together we are working to improve your working lives and the respect and recognition for the important role you play in keeping Tasmanians safe.

The CPSU’s People’s Report on Privatisation highlighted the devastating impacts of privatisation on workers, service-users and the broader community. Politicians at all levels of government are recklessly privatising our public services. We believe communities should have a say over how their services are run and what services they need: that’s why we’ve joined with other unions and organisations to call for a moratorium on all new privatisation proposals consistent with the key recommendation from the People’s Inquiry into Privatisation report.

We say that governments should set the standard for private sector employers by providing good, secure, fairly paid jobs. And our fight for quality public services, accessible to all, ensures that the most vulnerable people in our society don’t fall through the cracks.

Our movement is fighting for a more equal society; we are fighting to change the rules. But we can’t do this alone. As unionists we need to be out there in our communities – in our neighbourhoods, sporting clubs, churches – talking to our friends, family and neighbours about the importance of public services. We need to build alliances with civil society groups and community members so we can Take Back Control of our services and communities from the politicians and corporations who seek to undermine them.

We need to hold politicians accountable to make sure that they are serving the needs of our communities.

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