
Child Safety Members Vote ‘YES’ on Industrial Action

Take Action to see Action!

Over the past week we’ve met with Child Safety workers across the state to hear from you and help bring together our plan.

At these meetings you agreed it was time to act to ensure the Child Safety Service and Advice and Referral Line have the workforce they need to keep kids safe.

The ballot to take action to secure a workforce package for Child Safety Service and ARL closed with 97% of respondents voting YES to take industrial action.

Members have the solutions Child Safety needs and know that to secure a recruitment, retention and trauma-safe workplace package we’ve got to act.

This high positive response shows just how committed Child Safety members are to take action to secure the dignity and respect they deserve and build the kind of Child Safety Service which can truly support and improve our communities.

We’ve done everything we can do within the Department to fix the Child Safety Service. It’s time to push the responsibility of fixing the Service up to where it belongs: on the Minister’s and Premier’s desks.  

It is an unfortunate fact that often it takes action to get action.

We have seen this with the nurses where they refused to address their issues until they took industrial action and now it seems Child Safety will need to do the same to have your crisis addressed.  

The huge 97% result shows members committed to making government to take responsibility. This has been a decade in the making, with plenty of warnings along the way. Now is the time for us to force this government to intervene like they have with the Nurses and deliver a workforce package that will recruit and retain the workers needed to guarantee the safety of children in our care.

Let’s stand together and take action for the Child Safety Service & Advice and Referral Line that workers need, and that Tasmanian communities rely on. 

The CPSU will be meeting with delegates and action coordination contacts this week to plan for action at your worksite. Talk to your delegates today to get a plan together for action!

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