
Consultation: Tasmanian State Service Digital Health Transformation

It’s hard to keep up with all the change swirling around, much of it not evidence based or done for anything other than base political reasons, but we were recently briefed on a change that appears to have substance and causes some hope of a better future.

At the Department of Health’s ICT Industrial Consultative Committee meeting the Chief Information Officer provided an overview of the government’s Digital Health Transformation project. This is a 10-year plan over three horizons ‘to empower consumers and enable healthcare professionals to deliver better patent outcomes through system-wide, digitally enabled technologies’.

In the first horizon the foundations for the future systems are being built. This includes increasing access to systems and expanding key capabilities. 

The second horizon with see a digital health record being built that spans acute, outpatients and community care and integrates with diagnostic systems and primary care. It will also seek to enhance patient flow through diagnostic and support services.

The third horizon pulls it all together by using the data gathered to optimize clinical decisions and patient outcomes, anticipate and manage service demands and support innovative personalize care approaches.

Details of the Digital Health Transformation plan can be accessed at Digital Health Transformation – Improving Patient Outcomes 2022-2032 | Tasmanian Department of Health

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