
Insourcing: The New Outsourcing?

For the past decade or so we’ve heard about public services being sold off in whole or in part to outside interests: power, prisons, health services, you name it. Cuts have undermined the services that generations of Tasmanians have built. 

We’ve seen little benefit to Tasmanians. Services are often decided on profitability rather than community needs. When things go wrong, governments wash their hands of responsibility. But the tide could be turning. 

Nationally, it was big news when the Federal Government recently announced that it planned to use the workforce it had to do consulting work, rather than outsource to big consulting firms, which comes with huge price tags attached.  

We know that workers within services are experts in their fields have the tacit knowledge and are well placed to give advice. 

Last week, the Victorian Government has promised if re-elected it would revive the State Electricity Commission.  

We know that private ownership of public services doesn’t work – it hands over responsibility for an important public asset to outside interests and leads to high profits for a few while the public pays more. 

In Queensland, public ownership of power has put them in a good position to offset prices for Queenslanders.  

‘Insourcing’ could be a trend with the once public Fiona Stanley Hospital in Western Australia brought back into the hands of Western Australians last year. Previously it was run by Serco, notorious for its appalling treatment of workers.  

The CPSU believes services should be run by and for the public. There should be no room for profit making or personal agendas. 

It’s best for Tasmanians. It’s best for workers.  

Read more at www.cpsu.com.au/keep-it-ours/ 

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