
Meeting with Premier Rockliff on Wages

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Yesterday’s meeting between public sector workers and the Premier was a welcome intervention that indicates that the game playing around the government’s role in setting wages might be at an end. I have attached the invitation letter for your interest.

>> Watch for a quick update from CPSU Secretary Thirza White

The meeting was indeed a round table, with the Premier interested in hearing the experience of public sector workers and the challenges they are facing. It will come as no surprise to you that every union is experiencing similar issues – a lack of competitive pay, growing underemployment, shrinking career pathways, recruitment and retention challenges and a need to modernise our working arrangements. 

Importantly Premier Rockliff acknowledged the cost of living pressures being experienced by all workers, the challenges around recruitment and retention and the importance of a public sector that provides career pathways for its workforce. 

No wage offer was presented at the meeting, however the Premier indicated that he understood the cost of living pressures facing his workforce and that an offer would be provided in a week and include a percentage pay rise and one-off cost of living payment. 

Once we have this offer we will be out in workplaces talking to you about our next steps. 

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