
Parks & Wildlife Members Unanimously Vote ‘Yes’ to Industrial Action

The ballot to take action to secure the Parks and Wildlife Industrial Agreement 2022 has closed, with 100% of respondents voting YES to take industrial action. This positive response shows just how willing Parks and Wildlife members are to secure the dignity and respect they deserve at work. 

In the meantime, the Department has met with union officials and made apologies about the delays and is making moves towards providing us with an offer in line with the in-principle agreement made in November. We’ve been in this position before, however, and we’ve been let down. We need to keep going until we have the agreement voted up by members, signed, and by stamped by the Industrial Commission.  

The only reason we have got to this point of the Department finally listening and putting the effort into providing us an offer is because we have shown that we will take action if they don’t. Members have shown that they will no longer sit idle as our demands for the respect and dignity we deserve at work are ignored and delayed. 

The Department believes that you are willing to take action to back these things in. This is good. It clearly shows what we need to do from now on to secure good pay and conditions and build the best public service possible. 

An updated agreement is just the beginning. Your commitment to aciton will be needed to secure pay rises in line with inflation, modern conditions suited to the work you do, and fully fund the service to maintain and enhance our Parks now and into the future. 

Your Parks Organiser Michael will be in touch with delegates and action coordination contacts this week to plan for action at your worksite. Talk to your delegates today to get a plan together to share with Michael. 

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