
TasTAFE Moves to Privatise Clarence Café Without Consultation

Yesterday we heard that TasTAFE was rolling forward on privatisation plans for the café at the Clarence campus without: 

  • Seeking union feedback on the proposal,  
  • Providing the details of the proposal, or 
  • Notifying of the date that feedback was required before a decision would be made. 

The CPSU received an email outlining that a decision had been made, with scant details and that consultation had already taken place with the effected employees. 

The email from TasTAFE said “It Is not TasTAFE intention to offer redundancies but would be considered as a last option.” 

CPSU General Secretary Thirza White: “To now get an email stating that our lack of response, to an email that does not seek a response or our views, is tacit approval of this decision to privatise Clarence Café is absolutely not ok. For the sake of clarity CPSU opposes this decision.”   

We always said that a move to Fair Work would mean privatisation of TasTAFE, despite the State Government denying it. This is what we’re seeing today. 

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