
TasTAFE Pay Issue Resolved following Union Action

Last month the CPSU reported on the news that TasTAFE’s board met to consider pay increases and shared the story with The Mercury before informing workers or their unions.

Members were justifiably outraged, contacting their union and reaching out to TasTAFE for an explanation. Acting Secretary Tom Lynch wrote to Legislative Councillors to inform them of this change of direction.

Thanks to pressure from members, TasTAFE has now written to the CPSU to advise that it will honour pay increases for education facilities attendants and general staff in line with what is paid under the agreed Tasmanian State Service wages agreements.

With plans to commence negotiations for a new TasTAFE Enterprise Agreement, TasTAFE will match 3.5% pay rise, $1000 increase to base salaries ($1500 for those on the equivalent of TSSA Band 3 and below), as well as the additional one-off $1,000 payment to those lower bands in 2023. The status of subsequent pay rises and one-off payments will be subject to negotiations, consistent with the written commitment that salary and conditions would be maintained in line with TSSA provisions until a new TasTAFE Agreement is negotiated.

What next?
With negotiations set to commence on your first TasTAFE Agreement under the Fair Work industrial system, the CPSU is looking for bargaining representatives from each part of the state to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Throughout 2021 we talked through the risks and challenges that workers would be faced with as a result of a move out of the State Service. It’s more important than ever to be familiar with these changes. You can revisit these updates here:

Why the scales are stacked against workers under Fair Work
Bargaining Power
Harder to take Industrial Action
More Difficult to Access to Unions at Work

By looking at wage drift at Sustainable Timber Tasmania since 1994, we’ve also shown how, without strong union membership, workers on Fair Work Agreements can expect to see their pay go backwards.

How we stop your pay and conditions from declining: we need you and every one of your colleagues to become union active.

That means putting your hand up to be a bargaining representative, CPSU Delegate, workplace contact or Health & Safety Representative.

And most importantly, it means getting out there and speaking to your colleagues who have yet to join about why it’s essential they’re a part of their union. Direct them to https://www.cpsu.com.au/join/
Your union will be with you every step of the way.

If you’re interested in getting involved as a bargaining rep, workplace contact or CPSU Delegate, contact Natalie Jones at n.jones@tas.cpsu.com.au!

If you’re interested in nominating to be a CPSU Delegate head to https://www.cpsu.com.au/delegates/ for more information and a nomination form!

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