
Widespread Underclassification of Workers at Port Arthur Ongoing

The 2022-23 State Budget sees the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority securing operational funding for the next 5 years, increasing from $4,283,000 to $4,500,000. This equates to indexation of 2.5% – this is worrying. We all know that inflation is rising higher, with no signs of slowing, and we’re concerned that what this equates to is a stealth efficiency dividend that will put pressure on PAHSMA leadership to cut corners. The continuing failure of PAHSMA to resolve outstanding issues around under-classification underlines why this is such a concern.

Band 1 positions across our State Service are regularly exploited by agencies to underpay workers. Band 1 is a trainee classification designed for workers requiring supervision, such as trainees. But rather than being the first floor, for hundreds of workers they have become a glass ceiling. This is especially true for workers like Sandie (pictured) – who has been classified at Band 1 for 22 years, despite regularly performing higher duties without supervision.  

But rather than being the first floor, for hundreds of workers Band 1 has become a glass ceiling. This is especially true for workers like Sandie (pictured) – who has been classified at Band 1 for 22 years, despite regularly performing higher duties without supervision.  

We have yet to receive any update on the progress of reclassifying workers wrongly classified at Band 1. When pushed by the CPSU, PAHSMA communicated they had applied for additional funding to assist progress and were waiting on the budget for clarification – it is entirely unclear from the budget papers whether that funding has been allocated or not.

Your industrial rights are not contingent on budget funding. One way or another, it’s PAHSMA’s responsibility to ensure staff are correctly classified and paid for the work they actually perform. There is now a well-documented pattern of under-classification across PAHSMA and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania. If this year’s budget fails to provide new operational funding, they should look to the additional savings secured on the back of years of unpaid wages to address the issue.

Your CPSU Organiser Nellie Metcalfe has contacted PAHSMA Human Resources and Culture Manager Jenny Goulding to get a briefing on progress on this important issue. If you have any intel, feedback or questions get in touch at nmetcalfe@tas.cpsu.com.au.

It’s more important than ever that we stand side by side so PAHSMA know they cannot get away with offloading costs onto workers or exploiting workers’ good will. Speak to any colleague who has yet to join and direct them to https://www.cpsu.com.au/join/.

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