
CPSU: ensuring public sector voice heard in many forums. 

Behind the scenes the CPSU is working to ensure that public sector voices are heard in a range of forums. 

See the ways we’ve been advocating on your behalf below. 

Workers Compensation Injury Management 
Tasmania’s public service workplaces are among the most dangerous and account for 22% of workers compensation claims. The CPSU strongly advocated for safer public sector workplaces and for the employer to ensure guidelines are in place and are followed.  

Last week we participated in a forum that brought together unions and HR staff who work in this area to help identify the problems with the current Workers Compensation system and suggest better ways to work. It was a very collaborative process with everyone acknowledging the significant problems and wanting to improve the system for injured workers. Nobody goes to work wanting to be injured, but injuries happen, and workers will recover and return to work much faster if they feel their employer genuinely cares about them. 

The outcomes of the forum will form part of a report being prepared for the Workcover Board.  

Commission of Inquiry 
The CPSU attended a briefing on the government’s proposed approach to the investigation of matters arising out of the Commission of Inquiry. The briefing confirmed that there would be investigations of existing employees and a different approach for employees who had resigned.  

The CPSU has some concerns about this approach.  While we believe people need to be held accountable for their actions, they also have a right to procedural fairness so a balance needs to be found. Of particular concern is investigating and sanctioning employees who have resigned and don’t participate in the process. We’re also concerned Heads of Agency will have a different process applied and it seems no politicians are going to be held accountable for their actions (or their failure to act).  

UTas Workers’ Voice Project 
The CPSU is involved in this research project, which is based in Victoria and Tasmania, and looks at the importance of workers to regional development and renewal. We know how vital public sector workers are to local communities, and how much they contribute – this is an exciting project to be part of. 

CPSU SPSF National Union Sector Roundtable 
This roundtable with the Federal Government focused on the importance of crisis response, with climate change increase the intensity and scale of emergency incidents and extreme weather events.

CPSU General Secretary Thirza White: “We need to ensure our services and workers who plan and respond to emergency events are equipped to do so. We need to ensure governments establish a surge capacity and rapidly invest in land management and emergency services to ensure they are best equipped to respond.”   

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