
World Day for Science and Peace 

Tomorrow  is the World day for Science and Peace. 
In many corners of our public services, scientists work to ensure a better Tasmania. In the Forensic Science Service Tasmania, these workers help to keep the wheels of justice moving, putting scientific evidence into a form that the courts can understand. 

Thanks to the work of CPSU Allied Health Professional Members in Forensic Science Service Tasmania, these workers now have a new allowance – the Serious Crime Qualification and Capability Allowance. This recognises workers who hold authorisations and qualifications to respond to serious crime scenes.  

CPSU Delegate Paul Holloway on the new Allowance: 

“In the latest agreement the CPSU negotiated a new allowance for FSST staff who attend crime scenes, the Serious Crime Scene Qualification and Capability Allowance.  Prior to this most staff on the roster, who could be called out at any time of the day or night to travel immediately to any part of Tasmania, were participating only through good will. The new allowance also provides a training pathway for staff and managers, encouraging the development and maintenance of relevant skills so that this team can continue to provide a valuable service.  I’m proud of what we have managed to do, and I’d like to say thanks to all CPSU members for supporting us.” 

This new allowance helps to ensure a safe and sustainable roster, helps workers develop experience and gives FSST the capability to respond when they need to, and scale-up if they require.  

This new allowance came about thanks to the work of FSST Delegates and Members. 

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