
Open letter: Electoral Reform 

Last week the CPSU joined other civil society organisations calling for a strengthening of our electoral reforms. 

Alongside 14 other organisations the CPSU asks that the Electoral Disclosure and Funding Bill 2022 and the Electoral Matters (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2022 currently before Parliament do not go far enough to create a transparent, effective system for the regulation of political donations and influence. 

The letter calls for actions to strengthen the bills, including: 

  • Requiring truth in advertising. 
  • Broadening the definition of “gift” to capture all payments that might influence politicians. 
  • Requiring third-party campaigners to disclose relevant donations regardless of when they were made during the electoral cycle. 

And more. 

Click here to read the letter.

Truth in Political Advertising Laws before the next Federal election.
Click here to sign the petition to the Australian Parliament

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